Wednesday, November 25, 2009


This is for all of those people going to a Thanksgiving Party where you know NO one but the person you are going with. Sometimes people just have nothing in common and even small talk becomes painful. I only thought of this because I have been to this type of party before and thanksgiving or not, it just sucks. I will be dining with family and football so I'm in the clear, but for all of you who are going through what I just described. I feel for you..

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


It's a gruesome truth and to be honest it all happened so fast I had little time to think about it, but now looking back at that moment of Visceral Bloody Hunger on all parties I can't help but feel a little bit bad about what transpired. Let's think of it as an unlikely food chain that nature intended on. Yeah. That's it... Turducken: The most delicious of events.

Monday, November 23, 2009


This all started when I went for a late night long run with my brother along the tow path in princeton. Twas a beautiful first, but when it became night time and pitch black out every little branch that broke or if I heard something fall into the water made me jump. THEN for some reason I started thinking about what if I was running in the time of the dinosaurs at night. That would realllyyy suck. You hear that squeal of the Velociraptor or that other dinosaur that spits stuff on you from Jurassic Park. Terrifying right? I think this drawing explains how scary it can get.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


This is drawing I did of my little nephew James holding his new baby Sister Emilie Rose. We thought he was going to be the jealous brother who didn't want to share his mom but it turns out he's just the opposite, taking on the protective brother thing already. This is like cute overload. I had to draw it. I mean... how could you not.